In a recent exclusive interview, global icon Rihanna shares insights into her life, reflecting on motherhood, personal style, and the creative journey she is currently undertaking.

The interview touched upon Rihanna’s parenting journey, where she expressed the challenges and profound emotions that come with being a parent. She highlighted the vulnerability and helplessness one might feel, emphasizing the importance of a strong support system. Rihanna, a mother of two boys, humorously shared her desire for a boy, playfully mentioning that so far, she’s “batting at 75%” in favor of having boys.


Reflecting on the cover images representing various eras in her career, Rihanna delves into her current phase, describing it as an “era of discovery” or perhaps a “rediscovery.” She expresses excitement about the ongoing changes, some fleeting and others yet to be explored. Rihanna hints at the anticipation of what lies ahead, acknowledging the journey of exploration in multiple aspects of her life, including fashion, music, and daily routines.

Known for her impeccable fashion sense, Rihanna opened up about her biggest fashion pet peeve – inauthenticity. She emphasized her aversion to forced and insincere expressions, stating that authenticity is a crucial factor for her. This glimpse into her fashion philosophy reveals her commitment to genuine self-expression.

The interview also touches upon Rihanna’s family life, sharing insights into how her elder son handled becoming a big brother. She commended his struggles and eventual bond with his younger sibling, showcasing the warmth and challenges that come with parenting.

As a multi-talented artist, Rihanna hinted at potential collaborations with ASAP Rocky, expressing confidence that anything they work on together would be extraordinary. She referred to their household as a hub of creativity, where ideas flow freely and mutual support is a driving force.

This exclusive interview provides readers with a rare and personal insight into Rihanna’s life, offering a glimpse of her journey through motherhood, her evolving personal style, and the exciting creative endeavors on her horizon.