“He’s self conscious as hell”: Ben Affleck Going for Surgery After Shamed By Jennifer Lopez for His Aging Appearance

The Hollywood iconic couple, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez have reunited after getting separated back in the early 2000s. They rekindled their romance in 2021

“He’s self conscious as hell”: Ben Affleck Going for Surgery After Shamed By Jennifer Lopez for His Aging Appearance

The Hollywood iconic couple, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez have reunited after getting separated back in the early 2000s. They rekindled their romance in 2021 and eventually walked down the aisle the same year. Their reunion was big news for Hollywood as they had two weddings to celebrate their love for each other. Even though it looks like a happy fairytale, it got shattered soon after their marriage.
Ben Affleck and Jennifer LopezBen Affleck and Jennifer Lopez
Ever since the couple exchanged their vows, various outlets are reporting about the problems they are having in managing their marriage. One of the problems is the former himself! Here’s how.

Ben Affleck Being Conscious of His Aging Appearance Since His Marriage to Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez and Ben AffleckJennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck
The 53-year-old actress is known for her diva appearance. Jennifer Lopez has done a lot to maintain her best appearance which is why she wants her better half, Ben Affleck to do the same. Even though the latter is younger in age than her, he has gotten more conscious about his appearance ever since he married the former.

As per RadarOnline, the actor has been worrying about the unsightly wrinkle he has between his eyebrows. He was “convinced” that the brow crease makes him “look like Lord Voldemort from the Harry Potter movies” which has “been bothering him for a long time.”

“It’s the most bizarre thing, not even Botox has been able to erase it.” a source shared about his appearance.

As per reports, the brow crease is “getting worse.” The source added, “Makeup can only do so much and he’s self-conscious as hell.”

To get away from the problem permanently, “he’s booked an appointment with a surgeon to fix it.”

Meanwhile, the source claimed that the idea of having surgery was something Affleck decided on his own while a previous report revealed that J.Lo was apparently urging him to get face fillers.

J.Lo Reportedly Wanted to Fix Ben Affleck’s Face

Ben Affleck and Jennifer LopezBen Affleck and Jennifer Lopez
The charming couple is one of the most influential personalities in the industry. J.Lo has admitted that her better half is her true love however she apparently wants her husband to have the best appearance to flaunt to the world.

Last month, a source revealed that she urged her husband to undergo some changes on his face to help out his skin filled with lines and wrinkles.
“Jen thinks Ben is the most handsome man ever, but she thinks he should have started these procedures years ago, even though she says she’s never actually had them done herself.”
The source added,
“Jen is all about them looking every inch the beautiful power couple and doesn’t want her man covered in lines and wrinkles. And there are other parts of his body she wants sorted out, too. There’s still that Phoenix tattoo on his back to take care of for a start.”
The wife of the Gone Girl actor is keen on kicking his smoking habits. Even though the actor promised to let go of it, her constant nagging provoked him a lot to continue smoking. That reportedly led to fights between the couple which also was the reason behind the sudden emergence of their divorce reports.