Video : Kylie Jenner Reveals Why North West Needs Intervention

Kylie Jenner Reveals Why North West Needs Intervention

It’s hard not to notice the Kar-Jenners kids because their parents are literally everywhere you look, and as the kids grow up, fans are noticing some distinguishing factors especially in their personalities and manners!

Have the parents noticed the factors as well?

And why are people more interested in comparing Kylie Jenner’s Stormi to Kim Kardashian’s North? Okay, a comparison between North and Stormi on Twitter brings up comments like, “Kylie raised Stormi with such manners and morals, and then there’s North.”

Actually, a lot of people on social media agree that while Stormi has proven to be polite and well-mannered, North has been the exact opposite!

Some comments left after the post:

They forgot to include the video where Kim was filming her makeup routine and North tells her: you should be more busy with your kids…… emotional and physical neglect comes in many shapes and forms and the way kids project it is with anger

I cannot believe we are living in an era that won’t even spare children their privacy or personal space. As a mom, I am appalled at any “journalist” that will create a post like this and then tear a child down and would even pit the children against each other. Disgusting. This world is going to hell in a hand basket and the devil’s holding the basket.

TOTALLY agree with her “NO PICTURES!!!” vibe… this heinous family hasn’t allowed these children to actually CONSENT to being on camera and it’s not only disrespectful & rude, it sets them up for a LOT of disappointment & hardship later. Let children grow up in privacy and normalcy, please.

Anyone who knows kids can see North acts this way as a cry out for help. She may not even be aware that she is but anyone whose spent time around troubled children or teens will tell you these types of actions are from hurt and neglect. I genuinely believe she lives in a golden prison. Very sad… 😢